Posted inMarine Vehicles Performance
Posted inMarine Vehicles Performance
Torque calculation
For boats fitted with a rudder, the torque of the rudder or rudders is calculated…
Posted inMarine Vehicles Performance
How Does A Rudder Help In Turning A Ship?
Have you ever wondered why all ships have their rudders placed at the aft of their propellers?…
Posted inMarine Vehicles Performance
Types of Rudders For Ships
To broadly categorize conventional rudders, there are two types of ship rudders: 1. Spade or…
Posted inMarine Vehicles Performance
Rudder on Ships
The rudder is used to steer the ship. The turning action is largely dependent on the area of the…
Posted inMarine Vehicles Performance
10 Factors Considered For Efficient Ship Propeller Design
Over the years there have been significant research and development in the field of propeller…
Posted inMarine Vehicles Performance
propeller cavitation
As the propeller turns it absorbs the torque developed by the engine at given revolutions…
Posted inMarine Vehicles Performance
5 Best Practices for Marine Propeller Design
The design of marine propellers, or “props,” involves a series of trial-and-error testing to balance…
Posted inMarine Vehicles Performance
Marine Propellers- Pitch and How to Measure it?
A propeller can be defined as follows: A mechanical device formed by two or more…
Posted inMarine Vehicles Performance
Thrust Bearing
This incident happened on a cruise liner with diesel electric propulsion. The main generator engines…