Preferred fits and tolerance table for hole and shaft basis systems which are given in ISO 286-1 (2010) and ANSI B4.2-1978 standards. The usage of these tolerances is advised for economic reasons.

 ISO SymbolDescription
Hole BasisShaft Basis
Clearance FitsH11/c11C11/h11Loose running fit for wide commercial tolerances or allowances on external members.
H9/d9D9/h9Free running fit not for use where accuracy is essential, but good for large temperature variations, high running speeds, or heavy journal pressures.
H8/f7F8/h7Close running fit for running on accurate machines and for accurate location at moderate speeds and journal pressures.
H7/g6G7/h6Sliding fit not intended to run freely, but to move and turn freely and locate accurately.
H7/h6H7/h6Locational clearance fit provides snug fit for locating stationary parts; but can be freely assembled and disassembled.
Transition FitsH7/k6K7/h6Locational transition fit for accurate location, a compromise between clearance and interference.
H7/n6N7/h6Locational transition fit for more accurate location where greater interference is permissible.
Interference FitsH7/p6P7/h6Locational interference fit for parts requiring rigidity and alignment with prime accuracy of location but without special bore pressure requirements.
H7/s6S7/h6Medium drive fit for ordinary steel parts or shrink fits on light sections, the tightest fit usable with cast iron.
H7/u6U7/h6Force fit suitable for parts which can be highly stressed or for shrink fits where the heavy pressing forces required are impractical.

Preferred fits table (ANSI B4.2-1978)

Tolerance classes for shafts
Clearance FitsTransition FitsInterference Fits
H6     g5h5js5k5m5 n5p5     
H7    f6 g6h6js6k6m6n6 p6r6s6t6u6x6
H8   e7f7 h7js7k7m7    s7 u7 
  d8e8f8 h8           
H9  d8e8f8 h8           
H10b9c9d9e9  h9           
H11b11c11d10   h10           

Preferable fits of the hole-basis system (ISO 286-1:2010)

Tolerance classes for holes
Clearance FitsTransition FitsInterference Fits
h5     G6H6JS6K6M6 N6P6     
h6    F7G7H7JS7K7M7N7 P7R7S7T7U7X7
h7   E8F8 H8           
h8  D9E9F9 H9           
h9   E8F8 H8           
  D9E9F9 H9           
B11C10D10   H10           

Preferable fits of the shaft-basis system (ISO 286-1:2010)

Note: For economic reasons, the first choice for a fit should, whenever possible, be made from the tolerance classes shown with green color.