Wärtsilä 32GD main technical data

Wärtsilä 32GD main technical data

The Wärtsilä 32GD has been developed to set new standards in the market for high performance, fuel-flexible engines. The Wärtsilä 32GD is a four-stroke, gas-diesel engine, which means that the engine can run on either gas or fuel oil according to the diesel cycle. Switching from one fuel to the other can be done under all operating conditions.

The Wärtsilä 32GD covers a power range of 2520 – 8400 kW. The engine runs at 720 or 750 rpm for use with 50 or 60 Hz generators and produces 405 – 420 kW per cylinder.

The main features of the Wärtsilä 32GD are:

• Low-NOX combustion

• Reliability and low maintenance costs

• Integrated monitoring and control or basic

automation system

• Ergonomic interface

• Minimized consumables

• Unique fuel flexibility

Technical data 50 Hz/ 750 rpm        6L32GD 9L32GD 12V32GD16V32GD 20V32GD
Power, electricalkW26363974532771248924
Heat ratekJ/kWh83048260784078158049
Electrical efficiency 43.443.644.544.644.7
Technical data 60 Hz/ 720 rpm      
Power, electricalkW25793888518469708730
Heat ratekJ/kWh83048260809180668049
Electrical efficiency%43.443.644.544.644.7
Dimensions and dry weight of generating sets      
Length mm840010400102001130012890
Width mm27802780330033003300
Height mm38403840447042404440
Weight tonne587792120130

Wärtsilä 34DF main technical data

The WÄRTSILÄ® 34DF tri-fuel engine is the ultimate ‘fuel flexibility’ engine. The Wärtsilä 34DF is a four-stroke dual-fuel engine that can be run on natural gas, light fuel oil (LFO) or heavy fuel oil (HFO).

Moreover, the engine can switch over from gas to LFO/HFO and vice versa smoothly during engine operation. The Wärtsilä 34DF is manufactured in configurations from 6L up to 20V giving 435/450 kW per cylinder and a total maximum mechanical output of 9000 kW. The engine speed is 720 or 750 rpm for use with 50 or 60 Hz applications.

Technical data 50 Hz/750 rpm 6L34DF  9L34DF  16V34DF20V34DF
Power, electricalkW2579  388869708730
Heat ratekJ/kWh8347             (8257)*8303             (8214)*8048            (8146)*8031            (8127)*
Electrical efficiency %43,1 (43,6)*44,4 (43,8)*44,7 (44,1)*44,8 (44,3)*
Technical data 60 Hz/720 rpm     
Power, electricalkW2493375867378439
Heat ratekJ/kWh8347 (8217)*8303 (8175)*8048 (8107)*8031 (8127)*
Electrical efficiency%43,1 (43,8)*44,4 (43,8)*44,7 (44,4)*44,8 (44,3)*
Dimensions and dry weight of generating sets     
Length mm 8400 10400 11300 12890
Width mm 2780 2780 3300 3300
Height mm 3840 3842 4240 4440
Weight tonne 58 77 120 130

Wärtsilä 50DF main technical data

The Wärtsilä 50DF tri-fuel engine is the ultimate ‘fuel flexibility’ engine.

The Wärtsilä 50DF is a four-stroke dual-fuel engine that can be run on natural gas, light fuel oil (LFO) or heavy fuel oil (HFO). Moreover, the engine can switch over from gas to LFO/HFO and vice versa smoothly during engine operation.

The Wärtsilä 50DF has a total maximum mechanical output of 17,100 kW. The engine speed is 500 or 514 rpm for use with 50 or 60 Hz applications. The engine has a maximum thermal efficiency of 47%.

Technical data 50 Hz/500 rpm 18V50DF18V50DF*
Power, electricalkW1663816638
Heat ratekJ/kWh76168185
Electrical efficiency %47.344.0
Technical data 60 Hz/514 rpm   
Power, electricalkW1707617076
Heat ratekJ/kWh76168185
Electrical efficiency%47.344.0
Dimensions and dry weight of generating set   
Length mm1878018780
Width mm40904090
Height mm60206020
Weight tonne355355